These are common myths about a livescope that'll save you money when getting set up.
16v lithium battery is not necessary and has no effect on picture quality. This is an industry gimmick. The GLS 10 cuts the voltage back to 12volts no matter how many volts you have going to it.
The GLS 10 will run your livescope at 10.5 volts the same as at 12volts. When it gets below 10.5 it will soon shut off.
You'll have to find a 16volt lithium charger for a 16v battery to charge it and it likely will not be waterproof or shockproof (bouncing from rough water). You'll have to take it out of the boat after every charge. Get you a 12v 100ah lithium. There's not enough difference in price to just get a 30ah or 50ah. I use a 12v 100ah LiTime Bluetooth $199. You don't have to spend $1000 on a battery. Most all have the same grade A cells.
You can run more than just your gls10 to a battery. Your graphs are fine going to the same battery.
The better the wiring the better off you are but if it powers up your picture is as good as it's going to get unless you have interference. Most interference comes from trolling motors that aren't brushless. Follow the wiring recommendations in your manual that'll tell you what size for the distance you are running and likely that size is overkill but follow it so you don't have to worry if wiring size is your problem if you have problems.
LVS32 and LVS34 and any of the other are sounders. 32 and 34 likely can't be heard by the human ear like most other transducers. They do not have lenses. A scratch or 3 likely isn't negatively effecting anything. This was an industry gimmick to get you to buy a protective cover. Although its not a bad idea it would take a pretty good lick to damage it and may damage it with the cover on if hit hard enough. A soft rubber cover would be ideal not the hard covers they sell. If a cover was necessary Garmin would probably include one.
The best advice for your install comes from Garmin. They do not want to replace stuff anymore than they have to so they aren't going to put bad advice in your manual.
I see these things constantly on Facebook pages and I've questioned numerous Garmin techs about these things. I want you to enjoy your electronics and not have to spend hard earned money on needless stuff the industry will try to sell you.