We have redefined strength,
sensitivity, and affordability.
Our crappie rods are the lightest, strongest, most sensitive, and most affordable crappie rods on the entire United States market.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Pro Staff
Kody Heinze

Hi! I’m Kody Heinze! I am from the heart of Central Texas, where you can find me floating around doing what I love most… crappie fishing. With a lifelong passion for fishing, I have honed my skills over the years to become a seasoned angler. My dedication to the craft led me to choose Outlaw Crappie Poles as my trusted rods of choice on the water. Drawn to their superior quality, durability, and unbeatable customer support, I swear by Outlaw poles as the toughest and most reliable in the market. You can catch me sharing my fishing adventures and showcasing the versatility, and functionality of Outlaw Crappie Poles across all social media platforms as @danglenation (Dangle Nation), with YouTube being my primary stage. My personal mission? To get Outlaw poles into the hands of as many anglers as possible and encourage them to get out on the water with Outlaw Crappie Poles.